Frequently Asked Questions
How can we help you today?
How can I check my order status?
You can check your order status in 2 ways: Method 1: Use the Check Order Status tool. At the Homepage, you should enter information including: Order Code has been sent by us via confirm...
If I am no longer interested in using your service, can I cancel my order?
You can cancel your order if you have not yet made payment by clicking on the order you want to cancel in the My Orders section and selecting Cancel. In case you have successfully paid, ple...
How do I know that my order has been received?
As soon as you fill out the application form, you will be sent a <Confirm order successful> email confirming that your order has been received. Please check your Spam/ Junk mail if you hav...
Where can I check my placed order?
You can check your order in the My Orders section immediately after completing the application form. After the order is confirmed, you will use the registered email account and password pro...